Meeting Notice 1: Information and Proxy Request [Unit Owners]
As a Unit Owner, you’ll receive two different notices in regards to your building's annual meeting via email from The first notice to go out is the Notice of Meeting and Proxy Request.
This includes the date and time of the meeting, as well as instructions on how to assign a proxy should you be unable to attend. You will receive a second notice later on with information on how to sign in and vote at the time of the meeting.
Scroll down and you’ll also see any documents that your Property Management team has attached, such as candidate bios, financials, etc. Click each to download.
Assign a Proxy
If you are unable to attend your building's annual meeting, assign a proxy for your vote. You are also able to assign a directive ballot vote at the same time. Please do not assign yourself as a proxy - this will cause issues with voting and quorum tabulation.
1. In the body of the email, click "Assign a proxy."
2. A new tab will open in your browser. Enter your PIN code from the body of the email. Click "Check in."
3. Select either "Another unit owner" and their Unit # from the drop-down or "Someone else" as your proxy. Do not assign proxy to yourself - this will cause issues later on with voting and quorum tabulation.
4. Once your proxy is selected, you may proceed to submit a directive ballot by clicking "Yes, submit a ballot." If you would like your proxy to vote on your behalf, click "No, just the proxy."
5. If you clicked "Yes, submit a ballot," you will then be taken to the ballot page where you select the candidates you'd like to vote for. Click "submit" to send in your vote. Your proxy will NOT be able to change your directive vote.